Information supplied by Richard Ball
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Jacob Cloeten
Fijtje Raderotjes
died 1665
Willem Schalks van der Merwe
died 1716
Elsje Jacobs Cloeten
died circa 1702
Helena van der Merwe 1
born 1686, at the Cape 2
baptized 7 April 1686, Cape Town 3
will dated 5 March 1719
on 27 September 1718 she was the witness to the profession
of faith of Johanna van As when she became a member of the
Cape Town NG Church. Who was Johanna van As?Admitted a member of the Stellenbosch congregation
about 1700, at the same time as her sister Aeltie.

married (1) circa 1701 4

Jacob van As
died 1713
farmer 5




Jacoba Helena


married (2) 3 December 1713 at Stellenbosch 26

Christiaan Maasdorp
born circa 1673



children of Helena van der Merwe and Jacob van As

Elsje van As 6 born 1702
born 1702 7
baptized 10 September 1702, Drakenstein 8

Jan Zacharias Bek 9

Notes: He was from Langesalza and was the son of Christoffel Sebastiaan
Beck. He arrived at the Cape in 1715 as a soldier. In1719 he was loaned
out by the VOIC as a bar boy (?tapperskneg) and in 1722 he became a

After the death of Elsje van As her married Christina Blankenberg.

(Resolusies van die Politieke Raad Deel VII, note on page 70)

Willem van As born 1703
born 1703 10
baptized 23 November 1703, Drakenstein 11

Notes: On 14th January 1727 he petitioned the Council of Justice for
letters of veniam aetatem (to declare him of age and capable
of managing his own affairs). He declared that he was 23 years old.

His request was granted.

(Resolusies van die Politieke Raad Deel VII, Johannesburg 1971)

 married 5 December 1728 Cape Town 13

Anna Margaretha Schenck 12

Fytie van As born 1707
born 1707 14
baptized 12 June 1707, Drakenstein 15

Notes: She does not appear, although her brothers
and sisters do, in the Weeskamer record of 1718 of
orphans whose money is under its care, (MOOC 18/2,
Joernaal Kaapse Weese 1719) nor is she mentioned
in her grandmother's Estate Accounts of 1720 so she
hadpresumably died before 1718.

Jacoba Helena van As born 1710
born 1710 16
baptized 27 April 1710, Stellenbosch 17

Notes: She was confirmed a member of the Cape Town NG Church
on 25th September 1728. There is a note after her name that
she had left for Batavia (wiert vertrokken na Batavia).

 married (1) 7 December 1738 Stellenbosch 19

Fredrik Willem Embsighoff 18
apothecary in the service of the VOC 20
 married (2) 18 October 1733 Cape Town 21

Johann Georg Keijserling died 1736
sargent on the ship Valkenisse (1733) 22
born Graubing in Courland 23
died 23 February 1736, Asia 24

Notes: His ship left Rammekens in the Netherlands
on 17th April 1733 and remained at the Cape from 31st October
to 8th November 1733, arriving Batavia on 21st January 1734,
according to De VOCsite, but this must be slightly inaccurate if
he was married in Cape Town on the 18th October.

Engela van As 25

Notes: She is named as Engela in the estated
accounts of here grandmother, Ansle van Bengalen.

As Engela van As she was confirmed into the Cape Town
NG Church on 30 September 1721 with Elsje van As, her
sister, as her withess.

On the 8th October 1728, described as the minor Engela
van Asch, she requested and received from the Weeskamer
a sum of 200 gulden for necessary expenses.
(MOOC 1/6, Weeskamer Notulen, p.83)

children of Helena van der Merwe and Christiaan Maasdorp

Christina Maasdorp born 1719
baptized 7 May 1719, Cape Town 27

Christiaan Maasdorp born 1715
born 1715 28
baptized 25 July 1715, Drakenstein 29

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all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2017
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